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Happy Father's Day God
This weekend, we set aside a day to honor our father's. The men who have sacrificed for us, protected us and provided for us. They...

Spiritual Muscle
My son has reached the age where he can start lifting weights to build up some upper body strength. He is somewhat in awe of how easy it...

God Protects
Tornadoes have been tearing up huge swaths of the United States this week, leaving death and devastation in their wake. On Monday alone,...

The Graduate
This is the time of year when millions of hopeful young adults graduate from High School and college. Many are glad to be done with...

Set Free
Imagine you have been hauled into court for some offense. You know you are guilty and the price to pay will be steep. It will bring...

Happy Mothers Day to all who are mothers out there. Mothers are special to all of us and we should honor them every day. The process of...

Encourage One
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, Thessalonians 5 We live in a world that just wants to tear everyone down....

The Thief
The other day, I was up early and from my home office heard my car doors being closed. The car is parked in the driveway but I could not...

Bad Friday - God's Greatest Gift
Today is Good Friday. This is the day the church set aside as the day Jesus was crucified. It is the annual Easter celebration when...

Time Travel revealed
Is time travel real? According to the scriptures, it must be. In the New Testament Paul speaks to us that are alive after Jesus death....

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