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The Trials of Job
We are all familiar with the story of Job. God singled him out to Satan of how good he was but Satan rebuked him stating Job was...

Jesus Yoke
In ancient times and even today on smaller farms, a yoke is used to bind two cattle together to pull a cart or plow. Usually the cattle...

We need constant upgrades
I have an Apple smartphone. Every few weeks/months, I see a little icon above the General Settings Menu asking me to upgrade the...

One Glorious Day
Every year around the Winter Solstice, we celebrate a day like no other. This day was carved out of the year by the church elders around...

Children of God
When I was a child, I thought as a child but when I was a man I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians The reality is we are still...

The Sea of Glass
The city of Thousand Oaks is 886 feet above sea level. This measurement is pretty universal in determining land topography. This is based...

Stolen Identity
Every year 16.7 million people are victims of identity fraud according to the site This is an increase of 1 million...

Psalm 95 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with...

Seek Ye First
We all want and need something. We spend thousands of hours in this quest. Many come up empty running to and fro. Anxiety and fear rule...

How Long Shall I Cry?
As I sit here in Thousand Oaks, the TV is on with 24 hour coverage of the fires raging all around us. We were just recently dealt a major...

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