THIS is how it worksI was not born with a green thumb. Most of my efforts in the garden have not been fruitful. I remember my Botany projects in school did...
Put on ChristIt is that time of year when the masses dress up in costumes and celebrate Halloween. It is a way to escape who we are for one day and...
The Joy of I.I.F.One of the greatest feelings in life is the accomplishment of a big project or achieving a big goal. All around our country, young adults...
PentecostPentecost 2020 is upon us. This day does not get much coverage even the Christian churches. I know my church is not planning any special...
The MaskSeems everyone these days is wearing a mask due to the virus. Health officials have encouraged everyone to wear one to stop the spread. I...
Light of the WorldLast week we looked at the weak of the world. Humility and weakness lead to Glory. Scripture expands on this in Jesus teachings about who...
The Weak of the World (You and I)We are a royal priesthood. Peter mentions this in 1 Peter 2. We the children of the Most High who follow His precepts and try to love one...
Collateral DamageWe live in a world of death and disease. For over 5,500 years mankind has not been able to overcome either of these. Even when we triumph...
The 'Fear' of the LordThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 Do you want to be a fool? Of...
The Power of PrayerWhat weapons do we have in this world to combat the things we cannot control? The Coronavirus is certainly one of those things. As of...