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Trick or Treat

Just over a week ago, we had children knocking on our doors screaming Trick or Treat. This annual festival has become a 9 billion dollar market for merchants as the sales of candy account for 25% of their annual revenue. In a culture where we are placing cameras on our front doors and not even answering the door when someone knocks, it is interesting how all that falls asunder when October 31st rolls around.

There was someone else knocking on everyone’s door on October 31st but many did not acknowledge him. In fact he is back every day 365 days a year knocking at our door. Unlike the children who are expecting you to give them something, He offers you something instead. He desires nothing from you except your heart and He richly blesses in return.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3

Jesus does not grow weary of calling you out to dine with you and start a relationship. He is ever present and ready when we are. He continues to knock on the door of our heart hoping we answer and let Him in. Once we do, our lives will be forever changed for the better and the bitterness and shame we carry with us will be loosed forever.

Halloween is over and the kids are no longer at your door seeking candy. However, there is One who continues to lighten your doorstep every day and knock waiting for you to open the door and let Him in. Won’t you do that today and start down a new path of discovery? Let Jesus into your life and begin anew and embrace the unbelievable future He has in store just for you.

That is the Whole Truth

And remember God always answers His kneemail.

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