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The Graduate

This is the time of year when millions of hopeful young adults graduate from High School and college. Many are glad to be done with classes and tests and look forward to a bright future. Unfortunately for most, there is still much to learn. Life has a way of hitting back on that optimism and derailing the best of plans.

We should challenge these graduating seniors to continue in their studies and focus on a textbook that is as old as history itself. In fact it is the first book ever written and the one filled with the most information about life here on Earth.

Thanks to so many martyrs and faithful servants of the Most High, this wisdom has been passed onto us in the form of the Bible and is still the most widely distributed book in this sin filled world. Many just choose not to read it. Too bad as it contains all we need to be wiser, happier and more fulfilled.

Encourage the graduates to enjoy their accomplishment but the day after their celebrations are over, to pick up their study where they left off and fill their minds with the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. This is wisdom- "For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her."

Proverbs 8

And that is the Whole Truth!

Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.

And remember,

God always answers His kneemail.

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