The Cure for Mankind

Last week, just like any other day, Gracie Anne Muehlberger and Dominic Blackwell went to school in Santa Clarita. As they said goodbye to their parents, little did they know they would never see them again. The shootings at Saugus High School on November 15 took the lives of these two teenagers.
Mental health, access to guns and lack of protection at schools are all reasons people have given for these shootings. "Give the teachers guns" is one proposal that is being tossed around. Gun control and anti bullying campaigns are other proposals.
None of these proposals are going to work. Addressing these areas may make a small impact but will not solve the overall problem. Incidents like this have forced many to move their kids out of public school into private school. These school shootings have all happened in Public schools.
Additionally workplaces, public gathering areas like stores and even churches have not escaped these mass shootings. The real problems can be attributed back to one event.
The Bible used to be not only read but studied like any other textbook. Children graduating from school had a moral compass to live by and were taught love and compassion in its pages. The Bible has been pulled out of the school curriculum. Many have resorted to private Christian schools to immerse their children back into this environment.
Due to the lack of the Bible, hate is up and church membership is down. Children today are illiterate in the understanding of God's Word.
Th love of man has grown cold due to its absence. Jesus prophesied about this in His teaching.
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
This scripture falls under the Sub Title of Then the End will come. The love of man has grown cold and it is killing our innocent children. Lawlessness abounds and the enemy's wrath is only starting to unfold. Fortunately for God's children, we can get protection from the storm. Just like the Israelite's in Egypt, God's love will be the lambs blood over our doorpost just as He demonstrated with the sacrifice of Jesus.
The Bible is the true cure for mankind. When we read it, God's mind becomes our own and we become more like Him. He yearns for us to come back to Him. The best way to do so is by spending time with Him in His Word.
Take some time each day and spend some time in its pages. Get on one of those daily scriptures emails and be encouraged every day from the mouth of the Lord. You will not be disappointed.
The Bible is the cure for mankind's illness.
Please keep the Families of Gracie and Dominic in your prayers and if you are able, please donate to their funeral expenses. I have included the Go Fund Me links below.
And that is the Whole Truth!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and may God bless you in your ongoing walk with Him.
And remember,
God always answers His kneemail.